Book flights on and earn SkyBonus® points.
Here's how to get started:
Step 1:
Go to . Select your flights and proceed to the Review and Purchase page.
Step 2:
On the Passenger Information page, in the "Enter Traveler(s) Details" section, enter your company’s account number in the SkyBonus ID field (i.e. ER123, CA1234567, US123456789). If you are logged into your SkyMiles account and have previously saved your SkyBonus ID, it will automatically be displayed for you. The SkyBonus ID will be applied to all travelers in the reservation.
Step 3:
Finish your booking. SkyBonus points will be credited after travel is completed.
Step 4:
You may add, delete, or modify your SkyBonus ID at any time in the "Additional Information" section of the "Profile" page which is located under the "Manage My Account" section of your SkyMiles account.